Has the bodybuilding we know today gone astray? When you see the shapes presented in the open division of Mr. Olympia in recent years, we have to wonder. Big Ramy, Hadi Choopan, Brandon Curry or before Phil Heath and Jay Cutler what do they have in common with the bodybuilders the golden age of the 60's to 80's ? Brandon Curry, Big Ramy and Hadi choopan - Mr Olympia 2022 Their watchword was aesthetics and proportions. And Arnold, Frank Zane or Serge Nubret come to mind... They are numerous. All these bodybuilders had one thing in common: they were aesthetic and pleasant to look at. Golden Era bodybuilders After all, each one has his own taste, but isn't the race for more and more muscle mass to the detriment of aesthetics making modern bodybuilding lose its soul and its interest ? So much so that we can ask ourselves if the future of this beautiful sport is not with champions such as Chris Bumstead , four times winner in his classic physique division? Or even in...