
Showing posts with the label training

Why Don’t I Get Muscle? The Real Reasons Behind Your Lack of Gains 💪

You train several times a week, you watch what you eat, and yet… nothing. Your muscles don’t seem to grow. Frustrating, right? If you’re wondering “Why don’t I gain muscle?” , here’s what you need to do to finally see results. 🚀 How Does Muscle Growth Work? 🏗️ Muscle building follows a basic principle: destruction and reconstruction . Imagine a house whose walls are partially broken down before being rebuilt stronger. That’s exactly what happens to your muscles when you train. 🔹 Training causes micro-tears in the muscle fibers. 🔹 Diet provides the necessary nutrients to repair and grow the muscles. 🔹 Rest allows your body to recover and get stronger. If one of these three pillars is missing, muscle growth won’t happen! The Right Training to Gain Muscle 🎯 To build muscle effectively, your training must be structured and goal-oriented . Here’s how to optimize your workouts. 1️⃣ Strength vs. Hypertrophy: What’s Your Goal? ...

Train Like Simeon Panda - 5 Days Split Workout

A Week Training Program for Hypertrophy - Train Like Simeon Panda In this blog post, we'll be taking a closer look at a 5-day workout program with the goal of hypertrophy, inspired by fitness model Simeon Panda. This program includes five intense weight training sessions and two rest days each week. Table of Contents Day 1: Chest and Triceps Day 2: Back and Biceps Day 3: Rest Day Day 4: Legs Day 5: Shoulders and Abs Day 6 & 7: Rest Days Day 1: Chest and Triceps Bench Press - 4 sets of 8-12 reps Incline Dumbbell Press - 4 sets of 8-12 reps Cable Flyes - 3 sets of 10-15 reps Dips - 3 sets of 10-15 reps Skull Crushers - 3 sets of 8-12 reps Triceps Pushdown - 3 sets of 10-15 reps Day 2: Back and Biceps Deadlift - 4 sets of 6-8 reps Weighted Pull-ups - 4 sets of 8-12 reps Barbell Rows - 4 sets of 8-12 reps Seated Cable Rows - 3 sets of 10-15 reps Barbell Curls - 3 sets of 8-12 r...

How to Perform Deadlift Exercice with barbell ?


Cbum Legs Training - Heavy Squat and Hack Machine

Canadian bodybuilder Chris Bumstead , two-time winner of the MR Oympia classic physique category, trains his legs in squats and with the hack squat machine, with lots and lots of weight.

The Best Workout Split for MAXIMUM Muscle Gains

How to organize your workout over a week to gain muscle? This is where the notion of splits comes in: which day will you train your pecs or your legs for example? It's a six-day program organized around alternating push and pull . Les muscles sollicités lors de pousser: Pectoraux Triceps Épaules Quadriceps Les muscles sollicités lors du tirage: Dos Biceps Ischio-jambiers

Bodybuilding - 5 Days - Splits

Here is a 5 day a week weight training program that will allow you to combine strength and hypertrophy . The first two days are dedicated to strength. The first day will work the upper body and the second day the lower body , allowing the other part to rest. The strength days: As a reminder, strength work in bodybuilding consists of doing few sets with few repetitions on each set but loading . Hypertrophye days: The other three days are therefore devoted to muscle hypertrophy. In this type of work we increase the number of sets and the number of repetitions but the weight load decreases.

Fitness | 9 Exercises for a Big Chest | With Dumbbells Only


Fitness - How To Deadlift - Mike O'Hearn Demo


Jay Cutler Back Workout on Bodybuilding

To overcome eight-time Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman, Jay needed to bring up his back. Here are the twin workouts that helped him beat the world's best at his own game! READ MORE ON


Video: January, 15 2011 Jay in Venice Gold Gym

Jay Cutler 2010 Training in Iceland

 Jay Cutler , 4th times MR.O training Bentover Rowing in Iceland with is best friend Big Val Nov 2010

Seth Feroce Training During Prep

How keep training during Prer contest, Seth Feroce gives his answers:

Evan Centopani training shoulders video

Evan Centopani training exercice shoulders video

MARK ALVISI video 10 bodybuilding Myths

No eat at Night! Loosing fat and gain muscle in the same time is impossible! Carbs are bad! And so on... All bodybuiding Myths! 10 bodybuilding Myths  mentionned by Mark Alvis i, Pro bodybuilder in this video. Mark Alvisi

Arnold power density training get bigger


Chest workout


Brandon Curry chest workout

In this video Brandon Curry advocates hitting the chest hard and fast, and using only the effective range of movement to avoid working other bodyparts too much.

Personal Trainer Anthony

Personal Trainer and Bodybuilder Anthony Auditions Anthony, a top trainer at the 19th Street gym, auditions to be one of the on- camera trainers for our fitness model workout series. He got the job and appears with top fitness models Robert Amstler and Julian Fantechi.