
Showing posts with the label fitness

🔥 How to Burn Fat Without Losing Muscle? 💪

Losing fat while preserving muscle mass can be challenging, but with the right approach, it’s absolutely doable! Here are the 5 key principles to achieve this goal 👇 1️⃣ Eat Enough Protein 🍗🥚 🔹 Protein is essential for muscle retention . 🔹 Aim for 2g of protein per kg of body weight to prevent muscle breakdown. 🔹 Choose lean and whole-food sources : chicken, fish, eggs, legumes, tofu, Greek yogurt. 📌 Pro tip: Include protein in every meal to keep hunger in check and enhance recovery! 2️⃣ Do Cardio... But Smartly! 🏃‍♂️🚴‍♀️ ✅ Moderate cardio (brisk walking, cycling) = 🔥 burns fat without harming muscle ✅ HIIT (high-intensity intervals) = 🚀 boosts metabolism and preserves muscle mass 💡 Avoid excessive steady-state cardio (over 45 min), as it can lead to muscle loss! 3️⃣ Prioritize Strength Training 🏋️‍♂️🎯 🏆 Lifting weights is the best way to maintain muscle mass! 🔠 Aim for 3-5 sessions per w...

Bodybuilder - Ryan Terry 2023 Shape


Erin Banks Men's Fitness Transformation


Being Fit Over 40 - The Challenge !

How to be fit after 40? When I compare myself ten years ago, there is no photo! So much so that I ask myself what happened? As I approach 50, I realize more and more how important it is to stay in shape, to continue practicing fitness. So obviously, I don't train at nearly fifty like I did at twenty or thirty. Much more body weight, Pilates and yoga. I'm also aware that the secret, as in the past, lies in nutrition. The older you get, the more important it is to watch what you eat. Yes, I am what I eat, what goes into my body. Over the years, I have become a big believer in intermittent fasting. It is for me the best way to maintain my weight, and especially not to gain too much fat.

Before After - 8 Months Body Transformation (57kg-68kg)

This is what you can acheive in few months with dedication. You can change your body, gain some muscles, maintain a low body fat! One rule: consistency: You can choose to use both workouts methods: calisthenics and weight training . The combinaison is super effective!

Fitness Rceipe - Easy Chicken Salad

  Ingredients: 4 oz chicken breast 1 tsp olive oil  1/4 tsp paprika  1/4 tsp cumin  1/4 tsp dried oregano  salt and black pepper  2 leaves romaine lettuce  7 cherry tomatoes  1/4 medium cucumber  1/4 medium yellow onion  1 tbsp parsley  1/2 tbsp tahini  1/2 tbsp water  1 tsp lemon juice Preparation: Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C)  Drizzle the breast with olive oil and  Season both sides with cumin, oregano, paprika, salt   Bake in the centre of the oven for 20-25 minutes until cooked through. Lay chopped lettuce leaves on plate. Place halved cherry tomatoes and chopped cucumber on a plate in a circle  Add onion onion strips in the center and top with the breast Dress with tahini by combining tahini, water and lemon juice. Serve immediately 340 calories

Fitness - How to Get Rid of Fat ?

Fat, and the pounds that go with it, have accumulated in your body but you've finally decided to get rid of them. Good choice. By becoming fit again you will have many benefits. Your appearance will have changed, you will look and feel more attractive. And above all, losing excess weight in the form of fat will benefit your body: you will reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. But be careful, the objective is to lose fat but not muscle. The biggest difficulty when you want to lose weight is to lose only fat but no muscle. So how to lose fat and only fat? To begin with, you have to understand the energy mechanism within the human body. Think of your body as a machine, a car, a robot that needs energy to move. The human body has several sources of energy. The two main ones are carbohydrates and fat. Each of them is able to release a certain amount of energy measured in calories. The carbs correspond to 4 calories and the fat 9 calories. It will therefore take twice as much energy...


How to remove fat from love handles? The first thing to keep in mind if you want to eliminate the fat in this specific area of the love handles: you can't remove fat from a specific area of the body . It is just not possible. Unless you have surgery, but that's not what this fitness blog is about. So keep this principle in mind: by working out it is impossible to target a specific area to eliminate fat. With that said, here's how exercise and diet will help you lose your love handles.

Finess - 8 Best Things to do After a Workout


Jeremy Potvin Bodybuilder


Great Muscle Body Transformation

Instagram : @mjdelaney @shredbundy

Michael Vazquez Athlete Fitness



Stats: 20 years old 6'0 1,83m


Pretty good shape for 15yo

Lazar Angelov Workout


Jeff Seid 2014

Stats 20 y.o 6'0 1,83m 93km