Fitness - How to Get Rid of Fat ?

Fitness how to get rid of fat

Fat, and the pounds that go with it, have accumulated in your body but you've finally decided to get rid of them. Good choice. By becoming fit again you will have many benefits. Your appearance will have changed, you will look and feel more attractive.

And above all, losing excess weight in the form of fat will benefit your body: you will reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

But be careful, the objective is to lose fat but not muscle. The biggest difficulty when you want to lose weight is to lose only fat but no muscle.

So how to lose fat and only fat? To begin with, you have to understand the energy mechanism within the human body. Think of your body as a machine, a car, a robot that needs energy to move. The human body has several sources of energy. The two main ones are carbohydrates and fat.

Each of them is able to release a certain amount of energy measured in calories. The carbs correspond to 4 calories and the fat 9 calories. It will therefore take twice as much energy to burn fat as carbs.

Why do we accumulate fat in the body? Because you don't expend enough energy. Your body is like a car that you fill up with gas every day without running it. Too much sugar or too much fat, without an equivalent expenditure, results at some point in an accumulation of adipose tissue.

Our modern and sedentary lifestyle contributes largely to this excess fat. Sitting in front of a computer all day, after having taken the car to go to work and then coming back home in the same way does not contribute to a high energy expenditure. If we add our food consumption, you understand why so many people are overweight.

The solution, you will have understood, to lose fat, is to move and expend energy. It is necessary that in the body's energy balance the energy expenditure (walking, running, sports...) is in excess of what is consumed (food).

Here are the three pillars of fitness to lose fat significantly and over a three month period:


How can fitness training help you lose fat? Two ways. First of all you want to lose fat and not muscle and so by training at the gym you will maintain your muscle mass. Also by maintaining good muscle mass you will ensure a higher resting calorie expenditure from your body(which will draw more from your fat tissue). Plan on two to three strength training sessions per week during this three month phase.


You probably share the idea that fat loss goes with cardio. Be careful not to overestimate cardio training, even if it can help you. Cardio should be used wisely in your fat loss program. Cardio training consists of raising your heart rate for several minutes. You have several ways to practice cardio: running, HIIT, boxing...The ideal would be to alternate.

Walking is the easiest way to lose weight. Human beings are made to walk, we are bipeds. If we go back to ancient times, and for a very long time in the history of humanity when all the modern means of locomotion did not yet exist, the way to move was by walking. Then came the domestication of animals like horses, and afterwards the mechanical means. But to look for food, to hunt, to gather, the ancient man walked.

Walking is of great interest for weight loss. It is an activity without impact unlike running. We can walk every day for several kilometers, it is more complicated to go out running every day. The impact of running can be a barrier to its practice.

Walking is an activity that mainly consumes fat. Walking every day for 5 to 10 km will allow you to eliminate the fat layers accumulated over time without too much effort. So grab your fitness tracker or even your phone and set a daily walking goal.




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