
Showing posts from July, 2022

Low Calories Recipe - Chicken Breast and Vegetables

If you are preparing for a competition or just want to lose weight or fat , here is a quick and easy recipe that will help you monitor your diet . Ingredients:  1 tsp olive oil  1 garlic  4 oz chicken breast  2 medium carrots  2 tbsp water  3 oz brocolli  1 tsp reduced sodium soy sauce  1 honey  black pepper    Preparation:   In a large skillet, over medium to high heat, add the olive oil and garlic.  Add the chicken and carrots and broccoli and 2 tbsp water and cover until almost tender, about 6-8 minutes.   uncover and add soy sauce mixed with honey add black pepper and Stir to combine. Total Calories: 320 kcal

The Best Workout Split for MAXIMUM Muscle Gains

How to organize your workout over a week to gain muscle? This is where the notion of splits comes in: which day will you train your pecs or your legs for example? It's a six-day program organized around alternating push and pull . Les muscles sollicités lors de pousser: Pectoraux Triceps Épaules Quadriceps Les muscles sollicités lors du tirage: Dos Biceps Ischio-jambiers

How Weight Loss Works?

Weight loss, how does it work? It's all about energy . You lose weight because over a period of time you expend more energy than you take in. It's all about energy To put it simply, what we call the energy balance (what you spend minus what you take in) must be negative . Where does this energy come from? It is the energy from your food in the form of three molecules: proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. The first two proteins and carbohydrates weigh in at 4 calories per gram, and fat at 9 calories per gram. In other words, if fat is able to provide twice as much energy as carbohydrates or protein, it will take twice as much effort to burn the same amount of fat. Weight gain is due to an excessive accumulation of energy in the body, energy that you store and do not expend. Losing weight will therefore consist of destocking this energy. There are three pillars if you want to lose weight significantly and permanently: nutrition, motivation and training. We will deal with each of ...

Bodybuilding - 5 Days - Splits

Here is a 5 day a week weight training program that will allow you to combine strength and hypertrophy . The first two days are dedicated to strength. The first day will work the upper body and the second day the lower body , allowing the other part to rest. The strength days: As a reminder, strength work in bodybuilding consists of doing few sets with few repetitions on each set but loading . Hypertrophye days: The other three days are therefore devoted to muscle hypertrophy. In this type of work we increase the number of sets and the number of repetitions but the weight load decreases.

Bodybuilder - Chris Bumstead - Profile

Chris Bumstead was born in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada in 1995. He is 1.85m tall and weighs 102kg in competition and 120kg out of season.  His nickname is CBum or Daddy CBum During his youth he played several sports (soccer, baseball, basketball...). At the age of 14 , he started weight training. In a few years, he went from 77 kg to 102 kg, a gain of 25 kg of muscle . This muscle gain was mainly put in the legs. He is trained by his friend and brother-in-law Iain Valliere . Bumstead participated in his first bodybuilding competition in 2016 by winning the IFBB North America Championship in the heavyweight category. He then earned his Pro card. CBum in 2016 In 2017 he made his first appearance at Mr. Olympia in the newly created classic physique category. He finished second behind Breon Ashley, the following year as well.  It is in 2019 that he wins the title of his category to not let it go since, that is to say three consecutive victories ( 2019, 2020, 2021 ) what mak...

IFBB - 2022 Chicago Pro Show - Results

Men’s Open: Antoine Valliant 212 Bodybuilding: Dectric Bo Lewis Classic Physique: Jonathan T. Pelkey Men’s Physique: Nicolas Koeu Women’s Bodybuilding: Angela Yeo Bikini: Jessica Wilson Fitness: Sara Kovach Figure: Julia Champlin Women’s Physique: Ashley Jones Wellness: Isamara Santos

Bodybuilding - Big Ramy Transformation


Bodybuilding - Who has Won the Most Mr Olympia?

Which bodybuilders have won the most Mr. Olympia titles ? The competition that exists since 1965 8 titles Lee Haney (1984-1991) Ronnie Coleman (1998-2005) 7 titles Arnold Schwarzenegger (1970-1975 & 1980) Phil Heath (2011-2017) 6 titles Dorian Yates (1992-1997) 4 titles Jay Cutler (2006, 2007,2009,2010) 3 titles Frank Zane (1977-1979) Sergio Oliva (1967-1969)

Bodybuilding - Can Blessing Awodibu Be Mr. Olympia 2022?

  In your opinion, does the Irish bodybuilder have a chance to win the 2022 edition of MR. Olympia and succeed the Egyptian Big Ramy ? Let's vote! Loading…

Bodybuilding - Fitness - Mr Olympia Categories

  Here are the categories open for competition for the Mr. Olympia weekend: For the men Mr. Olympia Category (owned by Big Ramy) 212 lbs category Classic Physique Category Men's Fitness Olympia Category

Bodybuilding - 2022 Mr Olympia Qualified

 Who are the qualifiers for the 2022 Mr. Olympia edition? Who will replace Big Ramy for the Mr. Olympia 2022 title that will be held on December 15 and 18? Nick Walker  (USA) Nathan De Asha  (UK) Mamdouh Elssbiay  (Egypt) Brandon Curry  (USA) Hadi Choopan  (Iran) Hunter Labrada  (USA) Shaun Clarida  (USA) Regan Grimes  (Canada) Samson Dauda  (UK) Rafael Brandao  (Brazil) Angel Calderon Frias  (Spain) Joel Thomas  (USA) William Bonac  (Netherlands) Blessing Awodibu  (Ireland) Charles Griffen  (USA) Mohamed Shabaan  (Egypt) Hassan Mostafa  (Egypt) Mohammad Alnsoor  (Jordan) Vitor Boff  (Brazil)

Fitness - How to Get Rid of Fat ?

Fat, and the pounds that go with it, have accumulated in your body but you've finally decided to get rid of them. Good choice. By becoming fit again you will have many benefits. Your appearance will have changed, you will look and feel more attractive. And above all, losing excess weight in the form of fat will benefit your body: you will reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. But be careful, the objective is to lose fat but not muscle. The biggest difficulty when you want to lose weight is to lose only fat but no muscle. So how to lose fat and only fat? To begin with, you have to understand the energy mechanism within the human body. Think of your body as a machine, a car, a robot that needs energy to move. The human body has several sources of energy. The two main ones are carbohydrates and fat. Each of them is able to release a certain amount of energy measured in calories. The carbs correspond to 4 calories and the fat 9 calories. It will therefore take twice as much energy...