
Showing posts from 2022

Cbum on Stage and Backstage - Mr Olympia 2022


Bodybuilding Derek Lunsford - Legs Workout


Workout - Arms - Triceps Exercises

The triceps represent 2/3 of the volume of the latter. So if you want to have big arms, focus on the triceps during your workouts. Here is a series of three exercises to do during your weight training sessions.

Classic Physique The future of bobybuilding ?

Has the bodybuilding we know today gone astray? When you see the shapes presented in the open division of Mr. Olympia in recent years, we have to wonder. Big Ramy, Hadi Choopan, Brandon Curry or before Phil Heath and Jay Cutler what do they have in common with the bodybuilders the golden age of the 60's to 80's ? Brandon Curry, Big Ramy and Hadi choopan - Mr Olympia 2022 Their watchword was aesthetics and proportions. And  Arnold, Frank Zane or Serge Nubret come to mind... They are numerous. All these bodybuilders had one thing in common: they were aesthetic and pleasant to look at. Golden Era bodybuilders After all, each one has his own taste, but isn't the race for more and more muscle mass to the detriment of aesthetics making modern bodybuilding lose its soul and its interest ? So much so that we can ask ourselves if the future of this beautiful sport is not with champions such as Chris Bumstead , four times winner in his classic physique division? Or even in...

Bodybuilding - CBum on stage - Mr. Olympia 2022

For the fourth time in a row, Chris Bumstead won Mr Olympia in Classic Physique division.  Chris Bumstead on stage 17th december 2022 Really a classic phyisque !

Bodybuilding Cbum Incredible Phyisque

Classic Physique champion Chris Bumstead posing home.

Men's Fitness - Erin Banks Won Mr Olympia

In the Men's Fitness division, Erin Banks is the new Mr Olympia champion 2022.

Mr Olympia 2022 - Big Ramy Ranked 5th !

 Big surprise at this 2022 edition of Mr. Olympia in Las Vegas! The Egyptian Big Ramy , winner of the last two years (2020, 2021), arrived in fifth place ! The Iranian bodybuilder Hadi Choopan dethroned him by winning the title for the first time.  Top 5 Mr. Olympia 2022 Hadi Choopan Derek Lunsford Nick Walker Brian Curry Mamdouh "Big Ramy" El Essbiay 1. Hadi Choopan 2. Derek Lunsford 3. Nick Walker  4. Brandon Curry 5. Big Ramy Mamdouh El Essbiay

Chris Bumstead won Mr Olympia 2022 Classic Physique

With no surprise, Canadian Bodybuilder Chris Bumstead won the title for the forth time in a row. He is Mr Olympia 2022 for the Classic Physique category . 

Hadi Choopan Won Mr Olympia 2022

The Iranian bodybuilder, Hadi Choopan is the ne 2022 Mr. Olympia 2022 in the main category open bodybuilding. He heated the Egyptian Big Ramy . Hadi Choopan is Mr. Olympia 2022 Hdi Choopan Quick Stats: Nationality: Iran Born: 1987 Height: 5'7(170cm) Weight: 200-2020 lbs

Chris Bumstead - Classic Physique - Prejudging Mr Olympia 2022

Chris Bumstead on  stage for Prejudging, Classic Physique category in Mr Olympia 2022 contest on 17th December.

Shaun Claridad won Mr Olympia -212 category

Bodybuilder Shaun Claridad won on the 16th December 2022 the Mr Olympia under 212 lbs category. That is his second victory.  Results for 212 category: Shaun Clarida Angel Calderon Frias Kamal Elgargni Ahmad Ashkanani Oleh Kryvyi

Fitness - David Laid -Evolution - 2013-2015

  David Laid - on the right April 2015 March 2015 January 2015 January 2014 January 2014 March 2014 December 2013 November 2013 November 2013 Source: David Laid Instagram : @davidlaid

Mr Olympia 2022 - Classic Physique - Qualifier List

The 2022 edition of the Mr Olympia bodybuilding competition will be held December 15-18 in Las Vegas. In the Classic Physique category, where the Canadian Chris Bumstead has reigned for the last three years, here is the list of qualifiers.  Brady Barnes (USA) Darren Farrell (Ireland) Terrence Ruffin (USA) Georgian Andrei Birica Anghel (Romania) Robert Wichman (USA) Michael Daboul (Syria) Chris Bumstead (Canada)  Title holder. Breon Ansley (USA) Peter Molnar (Hungary) Alex Cambronero (Costa Rica) Mike Sommerfeld (Germany) Jorge Herrera (USA) Jose Maria Mete Bueriberi (Spain) Ruben Lopez Reyes (Spain) Mehdi Larijani (USA) Lenny Wicks (USA) Ahmed El Halawani (Egypt) Logan Franklin (USA) Ramon Rocha Querioz (Brazil) Anthony Casado (Canada) Kyrylo Khudaiev (Ukraine) Mateo Vaihu (New Zealand) Mohamed Amine Fakhfakh (Tunisia) Urs Kalecinski (Germany) Junior Javorski (Brazil) Tony Duong (USA) Vahid Badpei (Iran) Darwin Andres Uribe Aristizabal (Colombia) Lamar Shaw (USA) Alexande...

Mr Olympia 2022 - Men - Qualifier list

  The 2022 edition of the Mr Olympia bodybuilding competition will be held December 15-18 in Las Vegas. In the main men's category, Open, dominated by the Egyptian Big Ramy , here is the l ist of qualifiers . Nick Walker (USA) Nathan De Asha (UK) Mamdouh Elssbiay (Egypt) Title holder Brandon Curry (USA) Hadi Choopan (Iran) Hunter Labrada (USA) Shaun Clarida (USA) Regan Grimes (Canada) Samson Dauda (UK) Rafael Brandao (Brazil) Angel Calderon Frias (Spain) Joel Thomas (USA) William Bonac (Netherlands) Blessing Awodibu (Ireland) Charles Griffen (USA) Mohamed Shabaan (Egypt) Hassan Mostafa (Egypt) Mohammad Alnsoor (Jordan) Vitor Boff (Brazil) Andrea Presti (Italy) Iain Valliere (Canada) Antoine Vaillant (Canada) Akim Williams (USA) Chinedu Andrew Obiekea (USA) Vladyslav Sukhoruchko (Ukraine) Derek Lunsford (USA) Patrick Johnson (Denmark) Tonio Burton (USA) James Hollingshead (UK) Michal Krizanek (Slovakia) Leandro Peres (Brazil) Theo Leguerrier (France) Behrooz Tabani Abarghani (Iran...

Mr Olympia 2022 - Can Ruff Diesel beat Chris Bumstead?

The edition of Mr Olympia 2022 is approaching. It will take place in Las Vegas from December 15 to 18 , 2022. The Classic Physique category will be particularly watched, with one question: can Chris Bumstead be dethroned after three years of reigning over this category? By whom? Well, a serious challenger seems to be on his way named Ruff Diesel ! The latest photos posted on his Instagram account a week before the competition indicate that the American is ready to seriously compete with the Canadian. A bet?

Chris Bumstead 3 weeks out Mr Olympia 2022

The Canadian bodybuilder Chris Bumstead, after two victories (2020 and 2021) will put his title back on the line during the Mr Omlypia 2022 competition (December 15-18) in the Classic Physique category. Here is his form three weeks before the competition, end of November 2022.

How to Perform Deadlift Exercice with barbell ?


Jeff Seid Body Shape Summer 2022


Cbum Legs Training - Heavy Squat and Hack Machine

Canadian bodybuilder Chris Bumstead , two-time winner of the MR Oympia classic physique category, trains his legs in squats and with the hack squat machine, with lots and lots of weight.

Mr Olympia 2022 - Big Ramy - Posing - 8 Weeks Out


Andrei Deiu Transformation and Evolution
