Bodybuilding Contest - 2021 Indy Pro - Results - Review

It's the big return of bodybuilding competitions after a year of covid. This May 08, 2021 was held the Indy Pro, in Indiannapolis. This competition is among those that qualify for the Mr. Olympia. Just like the New York Pro the following week, on May 15.

The Indy Pro was particularly watched this year because of the media hype of one of its competitors on social networks, Blessing Awodibu. And the big question was after so much buzz, would he make it? 

Answer with the ranking:

Men's Bodybuilding Indy Pro Results:

  1. Justin Rodriguez
  2. Mohamad El Elam
  3. Blessing Awodibu
  4. Dorian Haywood
  5. Carlos Chapa

Justin Rodriguez Bodybuilder Indy Pro 2021
Justin Rodriguez

In the 212 category, the top 5 are:

  1. Tonio Burton
  2. Nathan Epler
  3. John Jewwet
  4. Bryan Balzano
  5. Noel Adame
Tonio Burton bodybuilder Indy Pro 2021
Tonio Burton


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