Evgeny Mishin Bodybuilder Bio Stats

Evgeny Mishin bodybuilder bio and stats
Evgeny Mishin IFBB pro qualified for Mister Olympia  2010

Stats (2010):


Born: 21 february 1976 in Russia

Height:  6'2" (1.88m)  

Contest weight: 290lbs / 132kg  

Off-season weight: 350 lbs / 159kg

Best wins: 
2002-Championship of Europe 1st place.
2002-Championship of Russia 1st place.

website: www.evgenymishin.com

Evgeny was not a sportive guy as a child. He started weightlifting when he as a teenager, in 1991. In 1994, at the age of 18 he participated at his first bodybuilding competition in St Petersbourg , Russia, and placed 4th (junior division).
Then he decided to increase his mass and compete in powerlifting. In 1995 he won russian powerlifting competion. He comeback in bodybuilding competition in 1998.


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