IFBB Bodybuilding contests results 2010

IFBB bodybuilders 2010 results contest kai greene, Hidetada Yamagishi, australia pro, arnold classi
Kai Greene & Hidetada Yamagishi Men of IFBB Pro Bodybuilders  2010!
Allmuscle is back on the 2010 season. Presenting the results of major competitions and top bodybuilders: Arnold Classic, Australia Pro, New York pro and more.

  • Arnold Classic IFBB:
1.  Kai Greene
2. Phil Heath
3. Branch Warren

  • Grand Prix Australia IFBB:
1. Kai Greene
2. Dexter Jackson
3. Roelly Winklaar

  • New York Pro Champion IFBB:
1. Roelly Winklaar
2. Hidetada Yamagishi
3. Denis Wolf

  • Phoenix Pro IFBB:
1. Melvin Anthony
2.Hiidetada Yamagishi
3. Toney Freeman

  • Tampa Bay Pro IFBB:
1. Ben white
2. Troy Alves
3. Johnny Jackson


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