Bodybuilding - Classic Physique - Wesley Vissers 2024
Wesley Vissers won the Arnold Classic 2024 in the Classic Physique division. The Dutchman beat Brazilian Ramon Dino . Born in 1993, Vissers is 1.88 m tall and weighs between 98kg (in contest) and 104kg ( off-season). Could he be a challenger to Chris Bumstead at Mr. Olympia 2024 in October in Las Vegas for the sixtieth edition of bodybuilding's most prestigious competition? ↑
There is little to distinguish this type of extremism from gross obesity. Are there activities Jay can do such as running, throwing a ball or even brushing his teeth without his preposterous muscles getting completely in the way? Back in the day, Dave Draper and Arnold were HUGE, but this level of development has lost any reference to a human being. Congrats on achieving this type of semian physique, the trouble now will be living with it.